5-Star Rating
★★★★★ | Favorite / Masterpiece |
★★★★½ | Exceptional / Well-Crafted |
★★★★ | Great / Exciting, Affecting, Memorable / Enlightening |
★★★½ | Very Good / Interesting Concept & Execution |
★★★ | Good / Eye-Opening |
★★½ | Mixed Feelings / Flawed but Worthy / Moderately Insightful |
★★ | Disappointing / Mediocre & Uninteresting / Soulless |
★½ | Regrettable / Notably Flawed and Frustrating |
Originality | The uniqueness and originality of the premise or story. |
Plot | The actions, events, conflicts, and turning points that propel the story forward. How the story unfolds. |
Characters | Personalities that are distinctive, compelling, multi-layered, and unpredictable. A protagonist and antagonist with clear and active goals. |
Music Score | Is the music score suited to the film and does it help tell the story s a character of it’s own. |
Entertainment Value | Does the story keep the viewer’s or reader’s attention? It is fun, engaging, or thought provoking? |
Review yang ditulis berdasarkan pengalaman penulis saat menonton film/serial TV. Jika suatu tontonan kurang oke menurut kami, bukan berarti kamu nggak boleh menontonnya. Jadikan tulisan kami sebagai referensi. Silahkan menulis argumen tanpa menyerang personal atau keluar dari konteks. Terima kasih.